We hold our meetings on the second Thursday of each month (Except January) from 6.00 pm – 8.30pm.
Light refreshments provided from 6pm and we have a great mix of speakers featuring prostate, ageing, lifestyle and topical issues plus jokes and videos.
December 2021 - General Meeting
Our December 2021 meeting did not have any speakers. We had entertainment from Geordie Heaney and our social committee put on a great spread and it was a great way to end the year. We’ll probably do it again in 2022.
Annual General Meetings
2023 AGM
The group’s AGM was held at the last monthly meeting on September 14th. The following office bearers were elected.
Interim Group Leader: Peter Ham, Vice Group Leader Larry Hamilton, Treasurer Len Weis, Events Officer Larry Hamilton, Newsletter editor Michael Phillips, Membership Coordinator Neill Evans, Social events Coordinator Joy Ham, Shirts Acquisition officer Joy Ham, Speaker Acquisition Officer John Haberecht, New Member Induction officer Lindley Deslandes. At present the positions of Secretary and Media Officer remain vacant. The position of Group Leader is also vacant but is being temporarily filled by Peter Ham. If any of the membership feel they can help out in any of these positions, please contact one of the committee members.
2021 AGM
We had our first annual general meeting in September after the first planned AGM was cancelled in August due to COVID. It was successful and we had our constitution ratified by the active members and the submission to the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission was successful and the group is now a registered charity. It also led to us being recognised for donation tax concessions by the Australian Tax Office. Our next AGM is on 8th Spetember 2022 and we will hopefully see the group fully realising its aim to have full succession in place.
COVID restrictions have been dropped for now but COVID is likely to remain with us for some time and members will be notified of any specific requirements at meetings and social events including vaccination, food distribution and cleaning.